Yes! Journal

How to wear flats and get the same sharp feeling you get from heels.

How to wear flats and get the same sharp feeling you get from heels.

How To Make Flat Shoes Feel Sharp Like Heels

You might not mind so much about the whole flats v heels thing. So often, so many of our customers come into the store and when we advise them that we only make flat shoes, 9 times out of 10 they will say ‘that's great – I only wear flats!”

Yet, while they do have the potential to hurt your lower back or hinder your stride, we cannot deny there is an allusive and powerful quality to heeled shoes, but one that we also genuinely believe can be mined from the right selection of flats in your wardrobe.

This season’s Tassel Penny Loafers in Midnight Blue is a vivacious contender for Big Heel Energy, being served up all season (or until stocks last!) with a fresh side of our classic La Garcon-inspired vibes. Perfect for all your all-day brunch, gallery outings, or simply as a  comfortable canvas for your sparkly lurex sock collection. We don’t make the rules, we just make the shoes. The Penny Loafer silhouette remains classic; finished in luxe boxed (and eternally shimmery) leather with the ‘penny’ band through the vamp (the bit over the arch of the foot) finished with our signature 1920s-style wing cut-out detail for an extra serve of lah-di-dah.

Radical Yes Liberation Tassel Loafer

Sharp statement shoes will always allude to a feeling of being dressed up even when the rest of your outfit isn’t, and the
Selkie Chelsea Boot in Cherry is no exception. A classic Equestrian Riding boot made radical, we believe that if Selkie was a song she would feature right at the beginning of The Velvet Underground’s Venus In Fur' – with Lou Reed singing 'Shiny Shiny Shiny Boots in Leather...' That energy and duality of sharpness and looseness, specific but true. Just add a white tee, a vintage trench (and perhaps a vermillion nail!) for instant polish. 

Radical Yes Selkie Chelsea Boot

For a final curtsy in this episode of our AW 21 flat shoe liberation dramedy, please meet the Utopia Square Toe – a sharp, elevated take on the ballet flat made better, with no harm towards our toothy, swampy crocodile friends as a 100% vegan style. Featuring a soft handle leather finished in a glove-like construction, these are the work > weekend > evening toe-tappers you have been waiting for. Perfectly paired with an oversized man-style shirt, cropped blazer, and denim—and also the other side of the fashion coin, with a vintage lace slip dress and your hair pinned up with pearl barrettes. Word on the street is that they are the easiest flat shoes to style ever, but self-flattery is unbecoming so you’ll have to make that call for yourself!

Radical Yes Utopia Square Toe Slip On

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